Hi its me petey5. On this website i'll have games, programs for cp,(maybe) videos,and other stuff. My blog is jsaction.blogspot.com my youtube channel is youtube.com/user/peteyman5 hope you enjoy my site!
OK THIS IS AWSOME I HAVE PROOF THAT THE ORANGE PUFFLE IS REAL! YOU CAN FIND IT IN THE BOX DIMENSION, AND THE SKI LODGE GO TO CP NEWS TO FIND OUT WHEN. And i think i have proof about the card jitsu water thing i saw a few videos that show sneakpeaks of the water dojo, and the card jitsu water video with a water ninja and water sensei. and trust me i saw a lot of videos showing the same images and videos, so trust me (again) ITS REAL maybe i'll show the URL of those videos.  

the new and improved

there has been an upgrade to the nightclub the more penguins are in the nightclub the more lights and colors there are heres a picture of it.